An Irish traditional wedding is a beautiful ceremony to see or take part in. From the stunning attire of both the bride and groom.
Favorite Irish drinks - "When in Rome ..." applies to any place in the world, really. Especially when it comes to food and drink. True, you can survive an Irish holiday on Big Macs and Coke (or Whoppers and Pepsi, for the sake of variety). But will you really have experienced the local cuisine? No - and going into a pub and drinking just Bud Light should be positively discouraged. If you want to down a few, why not try the local brew?
Ireland has a long and honourable tradition in education. As a result of a sustained investment in this area Ireland now has one of the highest educational participation rates in the world - 81% of Irish students complete second-level and approx 60% go on to higher education. This dynamic, educated population has made its mark at home and abroad with international companies looking to Ireland again and again when hiring graduates for top class positions.