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Easter traditions in Egypt


In Egypt the Israelites used lamb's blood to save their firstborn. The reason was that Jesus was called the "Lamb of God" because His sacrifice forgives humans' sins.

Lent in the Coptic Church of Egypt lasts for 55 days, which includes a preliminary week of modified fasting. No meat, fish, eggs or milk are supposed to be eaten during Lent. This fasting is extended as Lent goes on so that by Holy Week people are observing a stricter fast, in which they eat mainly vegetables and beans.


On Palm Sunday the church is decorated with palms and flowers, and children are given palm branches blessed with holy water they take home and keep all year.

During Holy Week, people go to church every day. There are services leading up to the main Easter service on Saturday night, which lasts until 3-4 a.m. on Easter morning. Bells are rung to proclaim Christ's resurrection, and there is a procession with the newly lit candles.

Easter Sunday is spent visiting friends and relatives, and there is a special Easter dinner in the afternoon.

Easter Monday is a public holiday because of an ancient spring festival which is celebrated on this day. People spend the day outdoors in parks or gardens and exchange colored eggs.