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Rivers of Guinea


The Niger River, the Gambia River, and the Senegal River are among the 22 West African rivers that have their origins in Guinea.


List of rivers of Guinea

Atlantic Ocean

Guinea is the origin of the Niger River, one of the most important river systems in West Africa.

Sénégal River (Senegal)
Falémé River
Bafing River
Bakoy River
Kokoro River
Gambia River
Koulountou River
Geba River
Corubal River (Koliba River) (Tominé River)
Kogon River (Compony River)
Nunez River
Kitali River (Kapatchez River) (Katako River)
Pongo River (Fatala River)
Konkouré River
Kakrima River
Soumba River
Soumbouya River
Morebaya River
Forécariah River
Mellacoree River
Kolenté River (Great Scarcies River)
Little Scarcies River
Mongo River
Moa River
Meli River
Mano River
Lofa River
Lawa River (Africa)
Saint Paul River
Nianda River
Saint John River
Cestos River
Cavalla River (Cavally River)
Sassandra River (Côte d'Ivoire)
Gouan River (Bafing River)
Férédougouba River (Bagbe River)
Niger River
Sankarani River
Ouassoulou River (Bale River)
Dion River
Gbanhala River
Fié River
Tinkisso River
Bouka River
Milo River
Baoulé River
Niandan River
Kouya River
Mafou River