

Weather and climate of Namibia

Namibia has more than 300 days of sunshine per year. It is situated at the southern edge of the tropics; the Tropic of Capricorn cuts the country about in half. The winter (June–August) is generally dry, both rainy seasons occur in summer, the small rainy season between September and November, the big one between February and April.


Festivals and Events in Namibia

There are various festivals in Namibia that are celebrated with great enthusiasm! Some of the important festivals that are celebrated with immense zeal include the New Year’s Day in January, Independence Day and Easter in March, Windhoek Karneval in the month of April, Kuste Karneval and Maharero Day (Heroes’ Day) in August, Oktoberfest in the month of October, Christmas and Family Day in the month of December.


Alcoholic beverages in Namibia

With a beer culture the equal of anything in the UK, Namibia has endless varieties of beer, many traditional African millet versions. Despite the desert heat, the country has recently started making its own wine – most of which is excellent.