The republic of Kyrgyzstan consists of seven provinces and 40 administrative districts.
National currency: Kyrgyz Som= 100 tyin. Bank notes are in denominations of Som 1000, 500, 200, 100, 50, 20, 10, 5 and 1. And 50, 10 and 1 tyin which hardly can be used. There are no coins in Kyrgyzstan.
Due to its topography the country is very much split into the northern and t southern part. In the north of the country, there are big valleys like the Chui-valley (where the capital Bishkek is situated), and the Talas-valley, as well as the lake Issyk-Kul The Kyrgyz also call the lake "Blue Pearl of the Tien-Shan" or "Sea of the Kyrgyz".