This advice is based on information provided by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in the UK.
It is correct at time of publishing. As the situation can change rapidly, visitors are advised to contact the following organisations for the latest travel advice:
British Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Tel: 0845 850 2829.
US Department of State
Embassies and tourist offices
Sindicat d'Iniciativa Oficina de Turisme (Tourist Office)
Carrer Dr Vilanova,13 Edifici Davi, Local C, Andorra la Vella AD500, Andorra
Tel: 820 214.
Embassy of the Principality of Andorra in the UK
63 Westover Road, London SW18 2RF, UK
Tel: (020) 8874 4806.
Opening hours: Mon-Sat 0900-1700 (by appointment only).
Permanent Mission of the Principality of Andorra to the United Nations
2 United Nations Plaza, 27th Floor, New York, NY 10017, USA
Tel: (212) 750 8064.