Embassy addresses in Vatican City

Embassy addresses in Vatican City
Most visits to the Vatican City are trouble-free but you should be aware of the global risk of indiscriminate international terrorist attacks, which could be against civilian targets, including places frequented by foreigners.


This advice is based on information provided by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in the UK.

It is correct at time of publishing. As the situation can change rapidly, visitors are advised to contact the following organisations for the latest travel advice:

British Foreign and Commonwealth Office

Tel: 0845 850 2829.
Website: www.fco.gov.uk

US Department of State

Website: http://travel.state.gov/travel
Embassies and tourist offices

Apostolic Nunciature in the USA

3339 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20008, USA
Tel: (202) 333 7121.

Apostolic Nunciature in the UK

54 Parkside, Wimbledon, London SW19 5NE, UK
Tel: (020) 8944 7189.
Opening hours: Mon-Fri 1000-1700.