Peru Religion

Peru Religion
Peru Religion is varied and multiple. Christianity in Peru religion is a heritage of the Spanish conquest and for this cause Peru is chiefly a Catholic country. Roman Catholicism is the official religion of Peru.


When the Spanish came to Peru during early 1530s the Catholic religion was also brought by them. Many Protestant churches and cathedrals are found in Peru.

According to the estimation of the year 2003 Peruvian Religion comprised of the following:

81 % Roman Catholicism

1% Seventh-Day Adventist

1% other Christian

16 % unspecified

The prevailing religion in Peru is Roman Catholicism. In the culture and society of Peru, Roman Catholicism plays an important role.

Among Peru's population approximately 80% people are Roman Catholic. Apart from Roman Catholicism the other religions found in Peru are Muslim, Hindu, Buddhism, etc.

Peru has a population of approximately 27.2 million. Some of the major religious communities of Peru are-

The Roman Catholic

Several Protestant appellations

Seventh-day Adventist

Jehovah's Witnesses

Hare Krishna

The Church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints


Baha'i Faith


According to the estimation of the year 2006 Peru Religion comprised of-

85 % Roman Catholic

11 % Evangelical

Remaining 4 % comprised Adventists, Jehovah's witnesses, Israelites of the New Universal Pact and Mormons.