Religion in Slovakia

Religion in Slovakia
Slovakia is generally a religious country of Christian religion. The latest research results show that 84% of inhabitants are religious and Christians attend Masse and practice their religion in everyday life.


There are catholic schools in Slovakia including primary schools, secondary schools and universities and Religion for religious children is a compulsory subject in primary schools.

For the non-religious children their parents can choose Ethics as an alternative subject.

Slovakia values freedom of religion.

There is a Latin Catholic, Protestant or Greek Catholic church in every city and village in Slovakia.

The state television offers regular religious broadcasting. Catholic Church has catholic newspapers and magazines, publishing, radio Lumen and television Noe.

Christianity has a long tradition in Slovakia and the beginning of Christianity dates back to first century A.D. and at present most people claim to be religious.

There are 18 registered religions in Slovakia and the major religions include Latin Catholic Church (68.9%), Greek Catholic Church (4,1%) and Evangelical Augsburg Church (6,9%).