Muslim wedding in Guyana

Muslim wedding in Guyana
It's always interesting to look at the customs of another country. Мусульманская свадьба в ГайанеEspecially on those which apply to all. All we are born, die, marry or get married, have children, and each nation has traditions associated with these common, but for each landmark, events.


Weddings in Guyana, as well as all the rest totally different. As a multinational country, then the ritual depends on the nationality and religion.

As we said, Muslim weddings are divided into traditional and very raditsionnye t, that is, old-fashioned. Here on this very traditional and we were.

The main feature of this wedding was that the bride and groom were from different cities, and even from across the country, so the wedding was very mobile. All run-run.

First, we (at 5am) on the machine, then by boat, then rushed to the car running in the town of Aberdeen and running there watching the ceremony.

The bottom line is that the wedding starts at the bride's home, where a mullah from the village of the bride and groom from the village mullah recited their prayers and instructions for the groom together.

Then the mullah from the village of the bride for the last time instructing the bride and the last time, asked her if she would consent to marry the groom.

Then the bride and groom finally connected, and the couple exchanged rings.

On the table stood a gorgeous cake that the couple was cut with a knife. I do not know how is the Muslim custom, to me it seemed too Americanized. That is, a mod Muslim wedding.

Then it all rushed to the running back way to the bridegroom in Berbice - the opposite end of the country - to continue the ceremony. At this point we broke down and went back home to Georgetown, because diversity was not expected.

In general, the holiday did not seem funny to us. No songs, no dances. Only instructions mullahs.

Serious guests seated on chairs set in rows. Uncomplicated snack. My favorite Daypuri, of course, but still a wedding ... Daypuri so we do once a week.Гайанская свадьба

Well, as usual sizzling Chicken curry. No alcohol, of course, also a Muslim wedding.

On this day we came across the road a few weddings, but my bride, of course, was all beautiful.