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Guyanese dollar


Guyana currency is the monetary unit and medium of exchange for goods and services in Guyana. The official currency of Guyana is Guyanese Dollar, which is abbreviated as GYD.


Guyana money

The currency of Guyana is Guyanese Dollar which constitutes 100 cents. Guyanese dollar notes are available in denominations of G$1000, 500, 100 and 20 and coins are available in denominations of G$10, 5 and 1. US dollar is accepted everywhere in Guyana. 

Currency exchange

Currencies can be exchanged at banks and at Bureaux de change in Guyana 

Banking hours in Guyana

Monday to Thursday: 0800-1230 and Friday 1500-1700. 

Currency restrictions

The export and import of local currency is restricted to G$200. The export of foreign currency is limited but import of foreign currency is unlimited. The currency of Guyana is not negotiable in foreign countries.